Pupil Premium Information

Where has the Pupil Premium been spent in 2011/2012?

Allocated: 2011- 2012    £13,664

Foundation Stage:

Over this academic year equipment has been bought to develop the outdoor provision in the Foundation Stage. The impact of this was that the boys ability within language development improved.
The outdoor equipment also enabled the children within the foundation stage to develop their fine and gross motor skills which has an impact on handwriting, collaborative play and problem solving.

The pupil premium has also allowed us to develop and offer a flexible timetable within the Foundation Stage to allow parents to have flexible hours around their working hours.

A Senior teaching assistant is also in used at all times within the foundation stage to ensure quality talk is used. This was extremely beneficial to the children with English as an additional language and those with poor communication skills. 


ELS intervention for children who were not on track to achieve phase 4 by the end of year 2
Swimming was introduced for Key Stage 1 as a main driver in Bransty School is sport. It had a positive impact on all the children’s confidence in the water and gives them an essential skill for life. This will be continued next year.

Children within Key Stage 1 read to an adult during the morning. This has a huge impact across Year 1 and 2 across the curriculum.

A nurture group was set up to support those children with behaviour and emotional difficulties. Due to the class two separate groups had to be run. Janet Edgar the behaviour manager for the area also worked within these groups. This did not necessarily have the impact that we had hoped (especially with the 2 boys who needed it the most) and therefore a variety of other chit chat groups and a breakfast group was set up – using the seal curriculum.

The head teacher/ SEN co-ordinator and the deputy head teacher attended a number of family support group meetings. This had a huge impact for the families and the children involved.

After school activities were offered to those children who were allocated pupil premium. This did not necessarily have a huge impact academically but it did enable the children to access computers outside of the working classroom day and was an essential support to parents.

Through the pupil premium funding school was able to subscribe to reading eggs. This has a positive impact on the children at home, especially those reluctant readers. It also had a positive impact on the phonics ability of the children as they were practising the skill in and out of the taught session.

Outdoor learning – an external teacher was used  to support gardening which allowed Key Stage 1 and SEN children to enhance the learning environment.

Breakfast Club

Staff leading and arranging these meetings and ensuring paperwork is kept up to date.

Case conferences/ core group meetings
Head, Dep head, SENCo attending regular meeting and writing reports.

Jenny Mosely (Better Lunchtimes- whole school) dinner ladies
Training funded for dinner ladies to attend to encourage more active dinner times. Dinner ladies now organise activities for children to try and reduce the number of incidents at lunchtimes
Swimming for KS 2
All children access 10 week swimming to enable them all to be able to swim 25 m by the end of Year 6- an essential life skill.

Maths Intervention in Year 4/5
Small groups x 2,  3 x 45 mins sessions per week with teacher for 6 wks in autumn term. Main focus- number. Recall of maths facts and revision of standards methods of calculation, reading and understanding word problems and using and applying these skills.

1 to 1 Reading and spelling intervention Y4/5
(2 terms with TA) Learning basic strategies for decoding words, extra reading in school time, basic spellings of high frequency words. Individual spellings sent home each week. Comprehension of texts if children were fluent readers- time to talk about books and share their preference- focus high order reading skills.

1 to 1 times tables intervention Y4/5
(2 terms TA) Times tables focus. Specific children identified who needed additional support to learn times tables. Children had activities sent home to work on and were then given time in school to work one to one on strategies to support them learning these basic facts.

Phonics intervention Y4/5
All children assessed on all sounds. Small groups worked with experienced TA to fill gaps. If gaps were not filled then TA worked 1 to 1 -5 mins daily until gaps were filled.

Chit Chat Group Y3/4 &Y4/5 (HMc to expand)
Vulnerable children identified. 1 hour per wk with teacher. Opportunity to talk about issues in school, developing their confidence to share ideas openly

Circle time implemented in Y4/5 whole class
Class teacher attended training offered by CPTT given by Jenny Mosely.
Bubble time (1 to 1 time set aside for ch to share worries) introduced and worked effectively for  number of children. Circle time actively encourages children to support each other through problems and find solutions to overcome them (Football!!!)
Golden tale- a bead placed in a jar for a good deed- when the jar was filled children earned a trip to Whinlatter.

1:1 fine/ gross motor intervention Y4/5
Working with OTs to work through programmes to encourage children who lack fine motor skills. TA working 15 mins per week 1: 1 with those children

Pupil premium also allowed access to Robinwood residential Y4s and Y5s.
This had focused outcomes to enhance children’s self esteem, independent skills, team work and to push themselves beyond their own expectations. Very successful outcomes for all children who attended.

Nurture Group Y4/5
To encourage late arrivals in school to be on time and to offer breakfast to children who may arrive at school without breakfast. Children were encouraged to discuss how they were feeling - emotional literacy. Children became much better in arriving promptly. Raised an awareness to staff which children needed to be allowed to have lunch first each day.

Maths group was set up in Y4/5 &6 with a teacher to support children who are working below L2 maths with teacher. This encorporated practical maths to build confidence and basic number facts. This had a huge impact on some children and now they are working confidently with their peers.
Last modified: Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 8:40 AM